Тема: Выгрузка из lotus в Word

Код агента, который получает документ с вьюхи и сохраняет его на диск в папочку.
В документе могут быть вложения.
На форме TEST есть поле Body  типа RichText.

Sub Initialize
    On Error Goto ErrLab
    Dim sess As New NotesSession
    Dim db As NotesDatabase
    Dim col As NotesDocumentCollection
    Dim doc As NotesDocument, tmpdoc As NotesDocument
    Dim k%, n%
    Dim s_rti_name$, s_target_dir$
    Set db = sess.CurrentDatabase
    Set col = db.UnprocessedDocuments
    s_target_dir = Inputbox$("Введите существующий каталог для выгрузки", "Ввод данных", "C:\temp")
    If s_target_dir = "" Then Exit Sub
    s_rti_name = "Body"
    Call copy_richtext_collection(col, s_rti_name, {"Выгрузка "+DocID1+TechTask+Subject}, s_target_dir, "Documentation.doc")
    Exit Sub
    Msgbox "Line " + Cstr(Erl) + ", Error " + Cstr(Err) + Chr(13) + Error
    Goto EndLab
End Sub



Re: Выгрузка из lotus в Word

Function copy_richtext_collection(col As NotesDocumentCollection, Byval s_richtext_name$, Byval s_caption_formula$, Byval s_dir_name$, Byval s_file_name$)
    ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ' выгрузка rt-полей из заданной коллекции документов в заданный каталог с указанным именем
    On Error Goto ErrLab
    Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
    Dim session As NotesSession
    Dim db As NotesDatabase
    Dim doc As NotesDocument, tmpdoc As NotesDocument
    Dim k%, n%
    Dim s_comm$
    Dim v_result As Variant
    Dim itm As NotesItem, rti As NotesRichTextItem
    Set db = col.Parent
    Set session = db.Parent
    Dim wdApp As Variant, wdDoc As Variant
    Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")        ' открыли Word
    If wdApp.Application.Visible Then
        Call wdApp.Application.Documents.Close
        wdApp.Application.Visible = False
    End If
    Call wdApp.Application.Documents.Add
    Set wdDoc = wdApp.Application.Documents(1)
    n = col.Count
    For k = 1 To n
        Set doc = col.GetNthDocument(k)
        If doc.HasItem(s_richtext_name) Then
            Set itm = doc.GetFirstItem(s_richtext_name)
            If const_rti_name <> s_richtext_name Then
                Set tmpdoc = New NotesDocument(db)
                Set itm = itm.CopyItemToDocument(tmpdoc, const_rti_name)
            End If
            If itm.Type = 1 Then
                Set rti = itm
                v_result = Evaluate(s_caption_formula, doc)
                If Isarray(v_result) Then
                    s_comm = v_result(0)
                    Erase v_result
                    s_comm = Cstr(v_result)
                End If
                Call copy_richtext(ws, rti, s_comm, wdApp, wdDoc, s_dir_name)
            End If
        End If
    Next k
    Call wdDoc.SaveAs(s_dir_name + "\" + s_file_name)        ' МОЖНО НАЗВАТЬ КАК ХОТИМ
    'wdApp.Application.Visible = True
    Call wdApp.Application.Quit
    Exit Function
    Msgbox "Agent Sub copy_richtext_collection" + Chr(13) _
    + "Line " + Cstr(Erl) + Chr(13) _
    + "Error " + Cstr(Err) + Chr(13) _
    + Error
    Goto EndLab
End Function



Re: Выгрузка из lotus в Word

Function copy_richtext(ws As NotesUIWorkspace, rtitm As NotesRichTextItem, Byval s_comment$, _
objApp As Variant, objDoc As Variant, Byval s_target_dir$) As Boolean
    ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ' копирование через буфер содержимого поля rtitm в заданный документ заданного приложения word (текст предваряется комментарием s_comment)
    ' выгрузка в указанный каталог всех прикреплений и ole из данного rtf-поля
    On Error Goto ErrLab
    Dim uid As NotesUIDocument
    Dim itm As NotesItem, doc As NotesDocument, obj As NotesEmbeddedObject
    Dim s_text$, s_file$
    Dim n_ole%
    Dim arEO As Variant
    Dim FR As Boolean
    Set doc = rtitm.Parent
    Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("Form", "BODYFORM")
    Set uid = ws.EditDocument(False, doc, False, "", True)
    On Error Resume Next
    Call uid.ExpandAllSections()
    On Error Goto ErrLab
    Call uid.SelectAll()
    Call uid.Copy        ' копируем в буфер
    Call uid.Close(True)
    ' добавляем разделитель документов
    With objApp.Application.Selection
        .TypeText("= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ")
        If s_comment <> "" Then
            .Font.Bold = True
            .Font.Size = 20
            .Font.Bold = False
            .Font.Size = 12
        End If
        .TypeText("= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ")
    End With
    Call objApp.Application.Selection.PasteAndFormat(0)
    s_text = ""
    n_ole = 0
    On Error Resume Next
    arEO = rtitm.EmbeddedObjects
    On Error Goto ErrLab
    If Isarray(arEO) Then
        Forall o In rtitm.EmbeddedObjects
            Set obj = o
            If obj.Name = obj.Source Then
                s_file = obj.Source
                s_file = obj.Name + "-" + obj.Source
            End If
            If dispatch_object(obj, s_target_dir, s_file) Then
                Call objApp.Application.Selection.TypeParagraph
                Call objDoc.Hyperlinks.Add( objApp.Application.Selection.Range, s_file,"","", "Приложение: " + s_file, "")
                n_ole = n_ole + 1
            End If
        End Forall
        If n_ole > 0 Then
            s_text = "Имеется " + Cstr(n_ole) + " не выгруженных OLE-объектов"
            With objApp.Application.Selection
                .Font.Color = 255
                .Font.Bold = True
                .Font.Size = 18
                .Font.Color = 0
                .Font.Bold = False
                .Font.Size = 12
            End With
        End If
        Erase arEO
    End If
    With objApp.Application.Selection
    End With
    FR = True
    copy_richtext = FR
    Exit Function
    FR = False
    Goto EndLab
End Function



Re: Выгрузка из lotus в Word

Function dispatch_object(obj As NotesEmbeddedObject, Byval s_dir$, s_file$) As Boolean
    ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ' выгрузка прикреплений и ole в указанный каталог с указанным именем файла
    On Error Goto ErrLab
    Dim FR As Boolean
    Dim handleV As Variant
    Dim s_ext$, s_tmp$
    If obj.Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT Then
        obj.ExtractFile(s_dir + "\" + s_file)
    Elseif obj.Type = EMBED_OBJECT Then
        s_tmp = Lcase(obj.Class)
        If Instr(s_tmp, "word") Then
            s_ext = ".doc"
        Elseif Instr(s_tmp, "excel") Then
            s_ext = ".xls"
        Elseif Instr(s_tmp, "powerpoint") Then
            s_ext = ".ppt"
        Elseif Instr(s_tmp, "visio") Then
            s_ext = ".vsd"
            s_ext = ""
        End If
        Set handleV = obj.Activate( False )
        s_file = s_file + s_ext        ' Так может измениться расширение при записи
        Call handleV.SaveAs(s_dir + "\" + s_file)        
        Call handleV.Close
    End If
    FR = True
    dispatch_object = FR
    Exit Function
    FR = False
    Goto EndLab
End Function



Re: Выгрузка из lotus в Word

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